Tree Planting Services
The Bowman-Slope Soil Conservation District can aid in the planning of tree plantings for producer's fields, farmsteads, rural home windbreaks, and for wildlife plantings, within our Soil Conservation District. Our district technician is trained to help you consider all the factors necessary to have a successful tree planting.
There are many factors to consider when planting trees.
Selection of tree/shrub varieties recommended for your soil type and moisture levels
Choosing tree and shrub varieties suitable for our climate
Location of plantings to avoid setback restrictions for county and township regulations
Selection of tree or shrub species for specific wildlife
Designing of planting to aid in prevention of snow drifting in unwanted areas
Tree Costs and Tree Planting Rates:
Machine planting: ($300 Minimum) $ 0.55 per foot
Single tree hand plants: $ 2.00 each
Bundle of hand plants (25 Trees) $ 50.00
1 Gallon potted trees: $ 18.00
The Soil Conservation District uses bare root conservation stock. This allows us to offer the most reasonable prices for our counties residents.
For district conducted machine plantings the land must be fallowed the summer before the planned year of planting.
For example: If you plan on having the district machine plant trees in 2025 the ground to be planted must be mowed and tilled in the summer of 2024. The ground needs to be free of all weeds or grasses before any trees can be planted. Machine Planting normally occurs from roughly May 1st to June 1st and the laying of weed barrier fabric follows throughout the month of June.
We ask that any tree orders be turned in by November 1st, but sometimes we are able to accept tree orders later in the year.
You will be billed for your trees in January, and we ask that you pay your invoice as soon as possible. When the trees arrive at our facilities (normally in late April to early May) we will call you and let you know when your order is ready for pickup!
The district offers many different varieties of trees, shrubs, grasses, and perennials for sale as hand plants out at our tree shed location at the Bowman County Fairgrounds each spring.
For more information about our tree selection and plantings contact our conservation office employees:
Sierra Lee and Tonya Tysver
Email: bssoildiscon@gmail.com
Phone: 701-523-8733

Ponderosa Pine


BH Spruce